Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Is Internet Marketing Easy? Four Easy Tips…

If you are marketing goods and services on the internet you are probably doing so through an affiliate program.  You probably signed up for this affiliate program for free and you were given a user name or number as an affiliate ID.  You may have even received a basic package to help you start marketing that included solo ads, text ads and banner ads all with a link to your affiliate sales page.

Is Internet Marketing Easy?

Now internet marketing sounds pretty easy doesn’t it?  You will find that this is a process that actually works.  The only problem is your probability getting conversions.  You will also find that there is a very very very low probability of actually converting traffic into sales.  For instance, you have to drive thousands of people to an affiliate sales page before you make your first sale.  What do you think about those odds?  Not very good, huh?

I Made a Sale! Finally

It is unfortunate that most people do this.  They put a lot of money and time driving people to their affiliate sales page, finally make a sale and earn their percentage of the commission.  What’s even worse is you can spend the time and money to drive all that traffic to your sales page and make only one sale and earn a $10.00 commission.  You might think that earning $10.00 is great but it really is not because it is probably stated in the terms and conditions of your affiliate program that you don’t actually get a check unless you have generated at least $20.00 in commissions.  So you go back to driving thousands of people to your sales page to make another sale and finally get a check.  Gracious!  Now when you ask “is internet marketing easy” what is your answer.

Inside Sales Tips

This is not all meant to discourage you.  Hang in there.  Internet marketing can be a great way to earn extra income, but you have to know the inside tips.  One tip is that you should never directly advertise your affiliate program.  There is a four step process that you have to use.  Take note of the following four step process maybe it will help you change your answer to “is internet marketing easy.”

1.       Don’t just include ads and sales pitches in your website, blog or email messages.  Provide value.  Give away a lot of valuable information.  Ways to do this would be to offer an ebook, email course, or special report.    These are all great ways to distribute free information.

2.       This step coincides with the first step.  Wait until you get an email address before you give away your valuable information.  You cannot implement the next step without capturing the names and addresses of your prospects.  Drive your traffic to a squeeze page where you will capture names and email addresses.  You could also drive your traffic to a blog or website where you can give an incentive for opting into an email list.

3.       Send informative emails to the people who are on your list.  If you are providing relevant and helpful information then people will begin to know you, like you and trust you.  If you give them information that will save them effort, money or time they are going to make sure that they read anything that you send, as long as the information is still relevant.  The one reason that it is important to get that email address is so that you can consistently send helpful information and build a relationship with your prospect.

4.       People will be much more likely to buy what you recommend once they know you, like you and trust you.  If you can convince them that what you are recommending will be cost effective, worth their money, and helpful to them then it will be even easier to get them to buy from you.  The simplest way to convince people of these things is to recommend something that you actually use.  Give a personal testimony of how the product has helped you and why you are sure that it is worth the money that you paid for it.


Is internet marketing Easy?  It can be.  You just need to be aware of the ins and outs and have a working knowledge of the inside tips that make internet marketing a success.  Utilize the tips found in this article and stay focused and on track.  If you use the tips found in this article you should see a noticeable difference in how many sales you make.  Good luck to you in all your internet marketing endeavors.  To your Success!

If you learned anything new from this article then please leave a comment.  

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