Monday, August 11, 2014

Article Submission Is Your Key to Free Traffic to Your Website

Monday’s Tip for the Week:  Before spending oodles of dollars on marketing ploys to generate traffic try the free methods.  Article marketing is a good place to start.

Internet marketers try desperately each day to find new, cost effective and innovative ways to drive traffic to a website.  The most commonly used methods include search engine optimization (SEO), directory submissions, purchased links and pay per click (PPC).  Common companies used for pay per click campaigns include Overture and Google Adwords.

Generating Traffic to Your Site Can Be Expensive

Generating online traffic can be expensive yet it has become an accepted cost of doing business online for some.  So much so that there are internet marketers who have spent their last dollar trying to generate traffic.  Many of those who unfortunately spent their last dollar on marketing to get traffic would have rather had gotten the following information before taking the path that they took. 

Generating Traffic to Your Site Can Be Free

Generating traffic is easy and often free.  SEO is free and very effective but you also need to get organic backlinks.  This means to have others include in their website or blog a link back to your site.  You want the link back to your site to be relevant.  Relevant backlinks are what search engines now value over purchased links and general links.  I can almost hear your mind asking “How do you accumulate relevant backlinks?”

How to Get Back Links for Free

You have two options to generate relevant backlinks.  One way is to solicit other site owners that own sites in your niche and ask them to place a link onto their site that leads back to yours.  Another way is to have those site owners come to you and ask permission to place your link on their site for free.  This means without a fee or the requirement that a reciprocal link be put on your site.  One way links are far more valuable than reciprocal links.

I’m going to step out on a limb here and say that you would much rather have other site owners come to you.  To get this done you should use a good article submission program.  The one that I suggest is  A good article submission program will allow your article, which would contain a link back to your site in the bio box, to be submitted to general and specific knowledge website article database directories. 

What This Means for You

How this works to your benefit is that other webmasters, who are in need of new content for their websites, go to article directories and use new content submitted by people like yourself.  When they publish your article it is part of the publishing agreement of most article directories, including EzineArticles, that the link back to your site stays intact.  Not only will others who go to their websites have the chance to click on your link and arrive at your site, you would have generated a much valued organic backlink to your site.

If you learned anything new from this article then please leave a comment.  

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