Saturday, May 31, 2014

Should You Repurpose Content?

An old saying is “There is nothing new under the sun.”  This saying is true however care must be taken to not intentionally or unintentionally copy someone else’s work without giving them credit. 

How to Make Sure That You Don’t Plagiarize

Whenever you are spinning an article make sure that the original article is your own or that you have permission from the author of the article to use it.  The reason is that the thoughts of someone else is considered intellectual property not just the words.  So you can spin an article and replace the words 100% with synonyms and it could still be considered plagiarized because the spun synonyms are in the same order as the words in the original copy.

Wiki How at gives the following seven steps to use to avoid plagiarizing.

1.        Understand what plagiarism is.  Wiki uses the American Heritage Definition of the word plagiarism to give an idea of what plagiarism is.  The definition is as follows:  “The unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work.”

2.       Be familiar of the area that you are talking about.  Wiki points out that if you are familiar with the topic that you are talking about you are more likely to use your own words.

3.       Restate the subject to yourself a couple of times.  It is easier to come up with your own words if you understand the subject. 

4.       Reference your quotes and sources.  Wiki reminds us that we should always use a works cited or bibliography in our papers (this would include online works).  Also, all quotes should be cited properly.

5.       When in doubt give credit. Wiki suggests that you mention the author inside the quotes of the paraphrase.   If you come across a phrase that could be considered as copied, Wiki suggests that you put it in quotes.

6.       Understand some basics about copyright.  Wiki points out that copyright infringement can be a violation of the law.  It further states that “facts cannot be copyrighted” but the words used to express facts can be. 

7.       Understand what does not need to be cited.  Wiki states that the following does not need to be cited:
a.       Common sense observations, folklore, urban legends, and well known historical events, such as the bombing of Pearl Harbor
b.      Your own experiences, insights, Creations, and musings
c.       Your own videos, presentations, music, and other media created and originated by you.
d.      The scientific evidence you gather after performing your own tests, polls, etc.

Why Not Use Article Spinners?

What is the big deal about using article spinners?  Google bots are usually not able to detect that a spun article is a duplicate.  Plagiarism software also has a hard time detecting that a spun article is a duplicate because the words are replaced with synonyms.  Many readers who read the spun article will consider the article to be an original work because they will not know any better.  So what is the big deal?  The big deal is that there may be the one reader who has searched the internet for the topic that your article falls under and has read the article that you spun yours from.  Being an intelligent being, the reader will be able to identify that he/she is reading an exact duplicate of another article just in difference words.   In light of making such a discovery this reader may decide to never revisit your site or even worse contact the other author and bring it to their attention that their work has been duplicated without proper citation.  You have to ask yourself “Are the possible ramifications worth it? 

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Friday, May 30, 2014

How Often Should You Blog?

Google defines a blog as “A personal website or web page on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites, etc. on a regular basis.”  It is included in the definition that the recording of information occurs on a regular basis.  Keep in mind that the word regular is relative.

The Goal of Many Bloggers is to Get Readers

One of the goals of many bloggers is to get readers.  Most people want more than 1,000.   Usually, in the beginning, when you first start blogging, you don’t get nearly that many readers.  However, if you consistently submit new content to your blog every day you will see that your readership will grow.  The more blog posts that you write the more search engines can find entry points to your blog and the more likely it is that your blog will be found.

Making Daily Posts to A Blog

Updating a blog daily takes a lot of hard work and commitment.  It is not always easy to come up with new daily content that is chock full of value.  However, the search engines will love it and it will grow your readership relatively quickly.  Even so, updating a blog daily might not fit the bill for every blogger.  Some blogs require more frequent updates and some blogs require less.  Consider the following paragraph.

Blog Publishing Schedules

Different types of blogs require different publishing schedules.  Joel Frielander gives the following schedules for blog publishing:

If you are publishing short news stories, then you are going to want to publish your blog several times in a day.  If you are publishing inspirational material, like a daily inspirational quote, then you are going to want to blog once a day.  If you are publishing blogs that have different subject matter you might consider publishing two to three times a week, each day for a different purpose.  For instance on Mondays you could publish the tip for the week, on Wednesday an article, and on Friday industry news.  There are also times when you would want to publish weekly.  This gives you a full week to come up with really great content.  If you decide to publish only twice a month you won’t build up a lot of readers but this schedule will satisfy search engines that like sites that are updated regularly.


Well, we have now seen that the frequency of updates on a blog should be determined by the type of blog.  You as the writer has to determine which type of blog you are most comfortable with writing and this will determine the frequency that you need to publish.  Keep in mind, though, that when you choose a frequency it is important that you keep to a set schedule.  Therefore only choose a publishing schedule that you can commit to.  

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

You Don’t Get Paid To Blog

It is easy to become engulfed in blogging and forget the main reason that we blog.  We must remember that as marketers we blog to add value to industry and to get sales.  These sales could be through a network marketing company, affiliate link, or proceeds from advertising such as pay per click.

Why Do We Want To Add Value To Industry Through Our Blogs?

Content is king.  You can find herds of people, in any industry that is interested in receiving free information.  There are people who spend hours at a time searching the internet to find answers to their questions.  These questions range from how to choose bathroom tile to how to write a press release.  So, you could be a part of any industry and write a successful blog.  You just have to remember that one of the main objectives is to add value to industry.   This means that we who write marketing blogs are obliged to get a good handle on the industry that we belong to and become experts in our field.  We are then to share our expertise through our blogs. (Keep in mind, and I must note, that you don’t have to be an expert in any field before you start blogging.  You start from where you are and as you learn and grow through research and training you share your expertise.  )

What do we get out of sharing our expertise with industry?  We get a lot.  Internet readers frequent blog sites that offer them answers to their questions.  If readers can detect that the information that you offer on your blog is good information they are more likely to opt in to your site, become a lead and then hopefully a sale.  Internet readers are also more likely to click on affiliate links and banners that you have on your site if they feel that the information that you offer is trustworthy.

Why Do We Want To Use Blogging to Make Sales

There are good reasons to use blogging to make sales.  One reason is that blogging is easy.  It is the easiest way to create an online presence.  A second reason is that blogs can be set up with little to no overhead.  Not only can blogs be set up for free to near free they also generate free leads from social websites, search engines, and other blogs.  A third reason is that search engines love blogs.  If blogging is done correctly the blog is updated consistently.  Google loves the addition of the new information. This gives Google a reason to index the blog more regularly.  A fourth reason is that people trust the content of blogs that offer value more than they trust the content found in ads and sales letters.  A fifth reason is that blogs are interactive.  People like the community feel that is created by blog comments.  A final reason to make sales through writing blogs is that Blogging makes use of attraction marketing.  Attraction marketing is one of the most successful business models in existence.  It offers solutions, to a targeted market’s problems, without requiring that they buy first. This increases the trust that the target marketer has with the blogger.  Needless to say that trust is very important when it comes time for the site visitor to click on a link or opt in to the site.


The key to writing successful marketing blogs is to remember the two reasons that we as marketers blog.  The first reason is to offer value to the industry.  Share your expertise with readers without the fear of giving free information.  Readers appreciate free information and they show this appreciation by doing business with you.  This brings us to the second reason why we write marketing blogs.  We write marketing blogs to make sales.  Sure the majority of your blogs should be packed with value and not advertisement, but at the end of each blog there should be a P.S. line with a call to action.  One example of a P.S. line with a call to action is “P.S.  Building your business on a budget?  Click here to find out how.”   Keep in mind that the more people that visit your blog the more sales you will make.  Therefore, you are going to want to instruct readers to share you on Facebook and Twitter.

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Monday, May 26, 2014

Why Start A Blogging Tribe?

One Reason to Start a Blogging Tribe

For some, writing blogs and articles can be a pretty lonely experience even with all of the available social media.   This is one reason that you might want to form a blogging tribe.  If you are blogging and article writing full time you probably spend lot of time alone while you come up with fresh new content.  Sitting in front of a computer alone for hours while sending out content into cyberspace may make you feel isolated.   A blogging tribe would alleviate some of those feelings of isolation.  It would supply plenty of people who you can email and gain suggestions from.  If you just want to chat it could supply people for that as well.

Form a Blogging Tribe and Get Comments on Your Blog

Another reason that you might want to form a blogging tribe, if you are a blogger and article writer, is to get online support.  One of the toughest challenges that a blogger faces is getting a reader to leave that first comment on a post.  Once that first comment is left it is like that is when all of the other readers that make comments are then free to leave their comment.  Well, if you start a tribe you can make commenting on each other’s post and sharing each other on Facebook part of the membership requirements.  You will then have plenty of people to send your post to that will be happy to give you that first comment on your post.  They would also be happy to share you on Facebook. 

Form a Blogging Tribe and Get Offline Support

Another reason that you might want to form a blogging tribe, is to get offline support.  As was mentioned earlier in this post, sitting alone with your computer day after day could become a lonely experience.  Many people who write for a living spend at least 40 hours a week alone in front of their computer typing up new content.  During those working hours in a “conventional” job you would normally make acquaintances that you might go to lunch with or meet for drinks after work.  As a writer you are often not afforded that luxury.  However, starting a tribe of local bloggers in your area would fix the problem.  You would then have others that you can meet with and perhaps even befriend.


How can you start a Blogging tribe?  That’s an easy question to answer.  One simple way to start is to use Facebook.  You would start a new Facebook group and tailor the requirements of joining to your needs. For example, if you are looking for online support you could stipulate that a requirement for joining is you must be willing to comment on other member's blogs.  If you are looking for both offline and online support you might want to add to your stipulation that those who join must be from a specific geographical area.  

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Why Blogging Is Not Dead

There has been a buzz going through the air since 2006 that blogging is dead.  It has become the consensus among some that instead of blogging people are tweeting, pinning, posting to Tumblr and Reddit and updating Facebook.    Undoubtedly, there are new trends that have entered into the marketplace but that does not mean the tried and the proven, like blogging, is headed out the window.   There are several reasons why blogging is and will continue to be a successful platform.

One Reason Why Blogging Is Not Dead

One reason why blogging is not dead or dying is because people love blogs.  They trust the content in blogs more than they trust the content found in sales letters or advertisements.  People trust blogs because blogs are not totally self-serving.  Most blogs follow the abundance model of marketing.  They give free information that solves problems without requesting that a person opts in or buys first.  The free information that a reader receives when they go to a blog places them at ease.  This makes the visitor more likely to click on the banners and links.  Blogs are often full of the bloggers expertise on a subject.  This makes the blog a good source of information for the reader.

A Second Reason Why Blogging Is Not Dead

A second reason why blogging is not dead or dying and will continue to be a successful platform is that blogs are easy.  They are the simplest way to create an online presence.  The fact that they are very easy to set up and maintain contributes to their popularity.  They can be set up for free and can generate free traffic from social websites, search engines and other blogs.

A Third Reason Why Blogging Is Not Dead

A third reason why blogging is not dead or dying is that Google loves blogs.  One of the reasons why Google loves blogs is that the comments that are left in blogs offer a sense of community.  The more comments that are left the more Google will be in love with that blog.  Another reason why Google loves blogs is that they offer consistency.  Blogs that are updated regularly give updated information to readers and encourages their return to the site.  Blogs that are updated regularly also gives Google a reason to return to the site and index the blog.  Blogs that are indexed more regularly are more likely to be ranked.  It is also worthwhile to mention that blog URLs are among the easiest to be indexed.  A third reason why Google loves blogs is that when blogging is done correctly it solves problems and/or answer questions of web searchers.  This makes it easier for Google to do their job well. 


Sure, the internet is evolving with the introduction of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.  Current trends have definitely changed the way many do things.  However, the one thing that we can be sure of is as long as there is the internet there will be a need for good content.  Those whose blogs are substantial and offer good content will survive the current new trends and the trends to come.

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Thursday, May 15, 2014

It’s a Perfect Time in Your Life for Success

Most of the successful people that you meet will have a story to tell.  The charmed life that you see them living is often not how they started out.  Many have had hard times with their finances and other personal affairs.  In fact, you will find that those that are successful that have come from hard times are in the majority and not the minority.  What made the difference in their lives?  The following are some traits that have changed the paths of people from failure to success.

One Common Trait That Successful People Share

One of the common traits that successful people share is that they realize that the past is the way that it was for a purpose.  They realize that everything that they have experienced happened for a reason.  You need to know that everything in your past has happened for a reason and has led you up to reading this article.

A Second Common Trait That Successful People Share

A second common trait of successful people is the practice of forgiveness.  Forgiveness is accepting that your past could not have been any different.  It is actually giving up on the notion that your life could have been any different than what it was.  Because, in reality, your life could not have been any different than it was.  Your past was “perfectly placed” to position you in the spot to read this article. 

A Third Common Trait That Successful People Share

A third common trait of successful people is that they realize that when they fail at something it does not mean that they are a failure.  It only means that they failed at that venture. 

A Fourth Common Trait That Successful People Share

A fourth common trait of successful people is they realize that they cannot control what people do or think.  They also realize that they can’t always control circumstances.  Even Bill Gates shares that life isn’t fair.  So understand that things will happen and there’s nothing that can be done about that.  However, what you can control is yourself.  You choose the emotions that you have.  No one can force you to feel a certain way or to think a certain way.  You can choose to remain unchanged and "unmessable."

A Fifth Common Trait That Successful People Share

A fifth common trait of successful people is that they take responsibility for their success.  They understand that everyone around them is not responsible for them.  Once you take responsibility for your own success you lay hold of all the freedom that you need.


Many successful people did not start out successful.  They have the common thread amongst themselves of hardships and hard times.  One day, however, they laid hold of the traits that are discussed in this post and saw a change in their lives.  Everything that has happened in your life has served to lead you up to right now.  This is the perfect time for you to put the traits that are discussed in this post into your life.  Once you do you will begin to see more success in your own life.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Should You Have More Than One Blog

It is common to think that the more blogs you have the more marketing success you will have.  This is not necessarily true.  In fact, when it comes down to writing marketing blogs quality is much better than quantity.

Blogs Might Seem Easy to Write

Writing blogs might seem easy.  After all, it’s all about sharing your own specific expertise with an industry.  You are the author and unless you are writing for someone else anything that you say goes.  Therefore, you might not think that any special writing skills are necessary in order to have a successful blog.  This might lead you to believe that it is hardly important whether you are the author of one blog or ten blogs.

Well, if you are new to writing blogs, and by new I mean that you have been writing blogs for less than a couple of years, you should know that it is very important to begin by focusing on only one blog.  You should know that there are special skills that are needed to be developed in order to churn out a “successful” blog.

One Important Blog Writing Skill

 One of the more important skills necessary to write a successful blog is being able to target a specific market to write to.  It is very ineffective to blindly write to everyone.  Readers have a hard time making a connection with the blog post if it is not written in a way that makes the reader feel that they are the target of the writing.  It is difficult for this to be successfully done for several different blogs because you would have to be able to identify the needs of several different markets.  I am not suggesting that this can’t be done.   I am only suggesting that if you are new it is difficult enough to try and figure out the needs of one target market. 

Another Important Blog Writing Skill

Another important skill that is needed to be developed when writing blogs is converting blog traffic into leads and sales.  Being able to write a blog in a way that encourages a reader to opt in to a site or buy as a result of the advertising on a site is a skill that takes time and practice to develop for one blog.  It would be almost impossible to try and learn to apply these skills to more than one blog at a time.


Having a successful blog takes time and patience.  In fact, many successful bloggers testify to having been at it for at least two years before amassing any real financial success from their blogs.  Many of them became successful through years of trial and error.   If you want to cut down the time that it takes you to learn how to write a successful blog you could always click here and attend the Pro Blog Academy.  This is always an option.  However for now you want to be sure to not become a “Jack of all trades, master of none.”  Become successful at one blog first.  Once you have amassed success with one blog then add another. 

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Monday, May 12, 2014

When Does Traffic Almost Not Matter?

Why do you as a marketer usually blog, write articles, and place ads?  Many might say to get traffic.  However that is usually not the desired end result.  The usual desired end result is to get leads and to make sales.  Sure you want a swarm of traffic coming to your site but what good is a swarm of traffic if no one opts into your site and/or buys something from you.

How to Get More Opt-Ins and/or Sales From Your Traffic.

In order to get more opt-ins and/or sales you have to offer your traffic something for free that they would feel is worth exchanging their information for.  You need to offer something to your target prospect that would make them uneasy, anxious and perhaps even lose sleep if they don’t opt in and have it.  Maybe a mp3 of ways to save time that they can download.  People like mp3s and people like saving time.  You might also offer an email of a marketing routine that they could follow, etc. 

How to Not Get More Opt-Ins from Your Traffic.

Examples of bad opt-in invitations include “join my newsletter,” “subscribe to my news feed,” etc.  These are bad opt-in invitations because they put into the minds of the prospects that you will be sending all sorts of stuff to their email.  Most people are already inundated with emails and really don’t want another email coming into their inbox.  “Join my newsletter” suggests a long term commitment.  It gives the impression that there will be an information overload.

Another example of a bad opt-in invitation is “Enter your information to get a powerful message from me.”  This type of invitation does not mention what’s in it for the prospect.  How does the prospect know that they will be interested in the message?

Still another type of a bad opt-in invitation is “free gift.”  The question this leaves in the prospects mind is “Why do I want this gift?”

Remember, that most of the time the main reason that marketers blog write articles and place ads is to get leads and make sales.  Generating swarms of traffic is good only if that traffic is converted into leads and eventually sales.  It is better to have low traffic and high conversions into sales than high traffic and no conversions into sales.   Unless you have an information only site, traffic almost really does not matter if you are not getting leads and eventually sales.

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Saturday, May 10, 2014

How to Come Up With Blog Content

One of the most challenging marketing things to do is to come up with unique and compelling content for your blog.  I am here to tell you that it does not have to be an arduous undertaking.  Coming up with great ideas for blog content is actually very easy.  When you are having difficulty coming up with content for your blog stop trying to be creative and use the following three killer easy ways to come up with content.

One Killer Way to Come Up With Blog Content

One of the killer ways to come up with blog content is to visit existing or new training.  As internet marketers we are constantly bombarded with training that teaches us new and better ways to market on the internet.  This training could be from a free email series or paid or free training that we have stored away on our computer.  We are also offered the opportunity to attend many webinars.  Decide why you bought that training or attended the webinar.  Create one question you wanted to answer when you signed up for that training or webinar.  Use this information to come up with a topic for your blog.  Take notes on the training or webinar and transcribe your notes into blog content. 

You want to be more than a simple consumer.  You want to become someone who is a content creator.  When considering your training, webinars, or books always consider two things.  First consider how you can apply what they are teaching.  Secondly, how you can teach what they are teaching.

A Second Killer Way to Come Up With Blog Content

Another killer way to come up with content is to do a live presentation on your product, service, or opportunity and ask people that attend what their number one question is.  Use their questions as blog titles.  If you do a live presentation pass around paper and encourage people to anonymously write out their questions.

A Third Killer Way to Come Up With Blog Content

A third killer way to come up with content is to go to good ole Barnes and Nobles or the library.  Going to Barnes and Nobles or the library is really great if you are having writer’s block.  Grab three to six books from the self-improvement, leadership, sales and/or marketing sections.  Go through the books and jot down notes.  Transcribe these notes into blog content.  Also, look for lists.  Lists in self-improvement books are instant blogs. 


Coming up with unique, informative, and compelling blog content does not have to be difficult.  Just follow these three killer ways to creating blog content and you should be churning out killer content in no time.

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Friday, May 9, 2014

How to Advertise Your Opportunity Online for Zero Dollars

If you are in a networking business your online advertising costs are probably more than what you really want to spend.  Well, I am here to tell you that you can advertise your business opportunity online for zero dollars.  How, is probably your next question.  The answer is you would use a funded proposal.  Funded proposals allow you to spend money on advertising and to make it all back by retailing a product.

How Does a Funded Proposal Work To Pay for Advertising?

Funded proposals allow you to advertise for zero dollars.  The way they work is you offer some type of generic educational product that will generate revenue for you and pay your advertising cost.   The types of generic products could include generic publications that are already in existence or generic products that you create.  One way to create your own front end product is you could partner with someone in your upline and tape a conference call with them.  You can sell this recording as a front end product.  You could also have the recording transcribed and offer it as an ebook.

How Can You Sell Your Front End Product to Pay for Advertising?

One way that you can sell your front end product is to begin by offering a free product.  This free product could be a free how to do something?  You would advertise this free product on your lead capture page.  Once you have the lead you can email them information about your funded products.  The money that you get for selling the funded product(s) would fund the advertising for your network marketing opportunity.

How The 95% Advertising Rule Works?

There is a 95% advertising rule at work.  This rule is that you will not normally recoup 95% of your advertising costs.  The 95% rule also applies to the people you share your opportunity with.  95% of the people you share your opportunity with will not join your group for one reason or another.  The pressing question is why let that 95% go to waste?  Offer them your front end products and monetize those leads as well as recoup your advertising costs.


Remember, instead of advertising your opportunity you would advertise your front end product.  It is easier to sell a front end product for a small cost then to get someone to invest a couple of hundred dollars to join a business opportunity.  Once they become your customer it will be a lot easier to sponsor them into your business opportunity.

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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Know the Purpose of Internet Marketing and Increase Sales

What Do People Think The Purpose of Internet Marketing is?

If you ask a group of people what is the purpose of internet marketing the answer you receive might be the following:  "The purpose of internet marketing is to sell goods and services by use of the internet."  This is a popular answer.  However, it is an answer that is far from the truth.

What People Want Internet Marketing To Do

Think about it.  Most people who are surfing the internet do not care what you have to say unless it solves their problem(s)  These problems could range from a need to socialize via social media to solving complex math problems.  In other words, you could target a market, spend thousands of dollars on the fanciest marketing programs and even deliver killer content without making one sale if none of that activity involves solving a prospects problem(s).

Consider the following.  How many people buy a drill because they want a drill?  The answer to that question is nearly no one.  Most people don't have a need for a piece of machinery just to have it.  They have a need for a hole.   They consider buying the drill because they have hopes of making a hole.  So if you want to sell the drill you solve the problem.  That is by advertising the types of holes you can deliver.  Remember, the prospect wants you to solve their problem and is more interested in a guarantee that you can deliver a hole than the color, make and model of the drill.

Another thing to consider is the following.  How many people buy a book simply because they want pages with words on them?  The answer to that is not many.  Most people purchase a book because they want the information found within the book to meet their needs.  This could be a need to laugh, cry, or build something.  Therefore an internet marketer will come out better if when advertising a particular book they focus their dialogue on how that book meets a particular need.


So the purpose of internet marketing is not to deliver random sales pitches on the internet.  The purpose of internet marketing is to solve problems using the internet.  Focus your internet advertisements and other dialogue on meeting the needs of your target audience and you should undoubtedly realize an increase in sales.

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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Internet Marketers Have the Right to Be Rich

Many internet marketers desire to be rich.  They have dreams of one day owning mansions and driving expensive cars.  Some fantasize about taking fancy vacations and being able to buy whatever they want whenever they want.  These desires and fantasies are perfectly justifiable by all of the promises of internet riches that can be found throughout the internet.

It is common for internet marketers to have an undaunted drive to acquire internet riches.  This drive is often coupled with countless hours at the computer trying a myriad of marketing strategies that would hopefully, one day, bring a profit.  Sometimes internet marketers find that they have spent more money on advertising and marketing programs than they actually receive back in profits.  Nevertheless, more and more hopefuls grind away at marketing on the internet with no realization of the sought after riches. 

Although it is often said that there is nothing wrong with a hard day’s work, there does seem to be something wrong if that hard day’s work does not bring financial gain (unless you are working for a charitable cause)  What many of these hard working internet marketers need to know is the secret of how riches come to you.

I’d like to say that aspiring to be rich is truly noble and not in the least bit out of line.  To prove this I will add a quote from The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles. 

                “A man develops in mind, soul, and body by making use of things, and society is so organized that man must have money in order to become the possessor of things; therefore, the basis of all advancement for man must be the science of getting rich.

                The object of life is development; and everything that lives has an inalienable right to all the development it is capable of attaining

                Man’s right to life means his right to have the free and unrestricted use of all the things which may be necessary to his fullest mental, spiritual, and physical unfoldment; or in other words his right to be rich.”

So you see, this philosophy includes all of mankind and does not exclude the internet marketer.  The internet marketer has the unalienable right to be rich.  

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