“Our problem is that inside us
there’s a mind going, “Impossible, impossible, impossible. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.” We have to banish that mind from this solar
system. Anything is possible; everything
is possible. Sometimes you feel that
your dreams are impossible, but they’re not.
Human beings have great potential; they can do anything. The power of the mind is incredible,
limitless.”—Lama Yeshe
The mind automatically puts limits on the thoughts that we
have as well as the tangible world around us.
We assign a value to everything that we see internally or
externally. We see limits more than we
see possibilities. We totally miss the
opportunity of having a limitless mind.
Maybe the reason that we see limits to everything is because
we assign a number to everything we see or think about. We assign a number to how many pounds we
weigh, how fast our car goes, how tall we are, how many friends we have,
etc. We even use numbers to try to
estimate or guestimate the outcome of some event. We are so used to assigning a number to
things that it escapes our minds that there are some things that actually do
not have a limit to how far or how much.
Having a limitless mind completely eludes us.
One reason that people assign a number to everything is
because the ego is very competitive. The
ego not only competes with others it competes with itself. The ego fights against the notion of the
limitless mind. It prefers to place a
number on things. It is constantly trying
to outdo and trying to do more. Whether
it’s eating chocolate chip cookies or running for sport the ego is going to try
to force you to do more. One more cookie
or one more mile. The ego is so competitive that it will force
the body to do more of things even to the detriment of the body. The ego does not seem to reason that extreme
behaviors damage the body even though the ego needs the body to travel through
this physical world.
Numbers are needed for the purpose of measurement and I am
not suggesting that you get rid of them altogether. I will merely suggest five things that you
can do so that numbers don’t become a mind limiting obsession.
Have a Limitless Mind by No Longer Searching for One Answer to Everything
Everyone in society seems to search for the one thing that
will be the answer to all of life’s ills.
We search for the one answer to a richer and healthier life. Stop looking for that one cure all. There really isn’t a magic pill. One saying is “There is no elevator to
success. You have to take the stairs.” You will actually have to do the work to
achieve success.
Have a Limitless Mind by No Longer Looking for More Information
In the age of the internet we have become information
junkies. We are constantly compiling and
regurgitating random facts that don’t have much to do with what we really need or
want out of life. Stop compiling endless
streams of senseless information and begin to search instead for information that
will give wisdom. Search instead for
data that you can actually apply to your life.
This is how you will grow past boundaries.
Have a Limitless Mind by Seeing Time Differently
No longer say “I don’t have time.” Everyone is given the same 24 hours in a day.
Stop watching your watch all day. You
have more hours in a day than you know.
Manage your time differently. If
you get rid of all of the unnecessary people and activities that don’t add any
spiritual value to your life you will see how much time you actually do have.
Have a Limitless Mind by Getting Rid of Unnecessary Lists
Stop making unnecessary lists and live in the moment. If you can’t remember what it is then you don’t
need it right now. Many of the lists
that we make on paper or in our minds just give the ego a way to feel as though
it has accomplished something. These
types of lists serve only to create barriers and stress. How much further could you go if you no longer
keep limiting lists?
Have a Limitless Mind by No Longer Counting Numbers (Start With Money)
Constantly counting money creates limits. If you spend most of your time talking about
money, reading about money, or thinking about money your perspective will be
limited. Mentally reaching for that
perfect amount of money forces your mind to think in much smaller terms than it
is actually capable of achieving.
Follow the five tips that are listed in this article. Incorporate them into your daily
thoughts. Once you do this you will see
that other parts of your life will begin to fall into place. You will free up your mind and limitless possibilities
will begin to appear. Enjoy your limitless
mind and endless possibilities!
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this article then please leave a comment.
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