Monday, August 25, 2014

How to Multiply the Results of Your Advertising with Magnetic Internet Marketing

Monday’s Tip of the Week:  The days when you could just direct a prospect to ‘click here’ without offering any incentive are fading fast.  Today’s prospect asks “what’s in it for them.”  The wise marketer will let it be more than just their bottom line.

This is a fail proof marketing method.  It magnifies your marketing efforts with whatever you are selling or promoting.  Magnetic Internet Marketing works on the principle of giving before receiving.  It prospers you by offering more in value than you receive in cash.  The prospects that you come across today are part of the “what’s in it for me” wave.  They want to know that there will be an increase for them before they will interact with you.  Magnetic internet marketing will fill that criteria.

What Is Magnetic Internet Marketing?

Magnetic internet marketing wins the consumer by offering them something of value first.  It is unlike ezine classified advertising and solo ads that try to close the deal with one swoop by trying to drive the consumer to a website.  Instead, it offers the prospect something that they can’t refuse. 

Consider the following examples of non magnetic internet marketing:

1.        “Catch the Buzz-Discover Revolutionary Health and Wealth”
2.       “As seen on TV Superfood is now yours to use and make $$ with”

These are not the best of ads but they are meant to give you an idea of what non magnetic internet marketing looks like.  Don’t misunderstand.  This kind of marketing does work.  However, it only yields a trickle of results compared to the massive results that come about when you use magnetic internet marketing.

A major problem with the ads that I have displayed is they attempt to excite the prospect and to get them to ‘click here’ without offering them something in return that could really get them motivated.
Consider changing those ads to magnetic internet marketing ads.  See the following example:

“Did you know Free Radicals Accelerate Aging and Cause Cancer?
Discover everything you NEED to know about the massive damage
They cause, & the most essential antioxidants needed to fight them.
Learn little known secrets of health, anti-aging and disease
Prevention in this free e-course”  ‘click here’

This ad is now magnetic because you are no longer trying to immediately ‘make the sale’ or drive your prospect to your website.  Your prospect now feels driven to get into contact with you.  They now become your lead.

They are interested in the valuable information that you have to offer.  They feel as though they are now benefitting from the many autoresponder messages that you send them.  The valuable free information that you send them gives them the feeling that they know you.  They may even like you at this point.  They definitely will trust you more because they now see you as a valuable source of information.  They are now more likely to do business with you.

Magnetic Internet Marketing Works with Every Niche

You can use magnetic internet marketing with any type of business or niche category.  Take the time to put together content, from within your niche, that would be helpful to your readers.  Give them something of value to subscribe to.  Make it your business to provide answers to their problems.


Magnetic Internet Marketing is easy to incorporate into your business model.  Instead of publishing ads that put what you want the prospect to do first start publishing ads that first answers your prospects pressing questions first and displays a soft closing line secondly.  Your prospect will begin to like you because of the free information that you would be offering them.  Once they like you it will be easier to direct them to buy from you.  Good luck with your magnetic internet marketing.  To your success!

If you learned anything new from this article then please leave a comment.  

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