Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Several Tips to Help You Manage Time Wisely

Wednesday’s Wisdom:  Don’t be afraid to be ruthless when it comes time to setting up rules to manage your time.  Time is money and it is your time and your money that’s in question.

It does not matter what your occupation is when it comes to time management.  All occupations are considered equal when it is time to manage time.  This includes everyone from clerks to physicians.  All must learn to be ruthless with their time.  This is especially true if you are the boss.  Time is money and time that is not well spent cannot be reimbursed.

Manage Time Wisely By Being Firm with Your Time

You must learn to be firm with your time.  One way to become more firm with your time is to avoid unnecessary meetings and unnecessary phone calls.  Another way to become more firm with your time is to work out a schedule that will deliver the maximum productivity and stick to it. 

To become more firm with your time you are going to need to develop a time-efficient mindset.  Avoid allowing what would reasonably be a 10 minute phone call becoming a 30 minute phone call.  In the beginning you might upset some people but more than likely it will gain the respect of others who will accept that your time is valuable.

You will be surprised at how productive you will become just by being more firm with your time.  Be stern about working uninterrupted.  Twenty minutes of working without interruption can produce the same amount and quality of work that it would take two hours to do when constantly being interrupted.  Schedule your most challenging tasks during a time in the day when you receive the least phone calls. 

Manage Time Wisely by Using Voice Mail and by Not Answering Emails Immediately

Building your business takes a lot of creative activity.  You need to take a no nonsense approach to scheduling time when you can work on projects.  When you stop during a project to answer calls or emails you hinder the momentum of your work.  The result is it then often takes double the time to complete a project.

Be ruthless with your time.  Let those who contact you often know that there are certain times of the day that you will not answer phone calls.  The same rule should apply to emails. 

Manage Time Wisely by Disallowing People to “Drop by”

Not allowing people to come by unannounced is another great way to limit interruptions.  Think of the wealthiest of business men.  Do you think that Bill Gates would allow you to drop by unannounced just to view his new office?  Your time should be just as important to you as his is to him.

Manage Time Wisely by Setting Reasonable Expectations

As your business grows, you cannot reasonably be accessible to everyone at all times.  If you start out by answering every call and email immediately people will expect you to continue with that practice.  Don’t start creating expectations that you cannot keep. 

Manage Time Wisely by Responding to Emails at a Set Time Each Day

The best time to answer emails is at the end of the day.  Doing so will inhibit unnecessary email conversations.  Even though some emails might seem urgent the fact is that most emails are not emergencies.  If you start by answering emails immediately then people will expect you to continue to answer emails immediately even when you yourself are in the midst of an emergency.  Build a habit of answering emails at a set time each day.  This will train others to expect answers to their emails during the time of day that you specify.

Manage Time Wisely by Writing and Keeping Schedules

When you are at the close of your business day that is when you should write a schedule for the next day.  Use a template that includes constants like the time you will return calls and emails, the time you will work on projects, the time you will write in your gratitude journal, etc.  Writing and keeping a schedule will help you to organize your day and utilize your time more wisely.


Being ruthless with your time might seem politically incorrect.  It might just be.  However, there is a time when you just have to say enough is enough.  You need all of your time to be maximized to your benefit.  Remember it is your time, your life, and your dreams that we are talking about. 

The Best to You!

If you learned anything new from this article then please leave a comment. 

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