Thursday, September 18, 2014

Learn to Relax More: The Value of Leisure

Like many others, you have probably spent your life pursuing accomplishment.  You have probably had both a challenging and rewarding time.  Think of all of the different hats that you have worn from vocational activities to volunteerism.  Many of the positions you have filled have probably been very fulfilling.  It probably has not dawned on you that in order to accomplish more and have times that are even more fulfilling you have to learn to relax more.

Learn to relax more now

When you think about leisure and relaxation you probably think about the summer time or retirement.  You should not think that way.  You need to find ways to integrate a little leisure time in your daily and weekly routine.

Thinking about work all the time without a moments rest is not conducive to optimal performance.  According to William McNamara, “Possibly the greatest malaise in our country is our neurotic compulsion to work.”

The ancient Greeks also thought that constant work without a break is a recipe for disaster.  Their saying was “You will break the bow if you keep it always bent.”  This simply means that it is important to take time away from work to relax.

Tim Hansel wrote “When work becomes a person’s all consume interest, even if the work is good and necessary, it is idolatry.”

Feeling Frenzied, Frantic, or Frazzled?  You Must Learn to Relax More

If you are feeling frenzied, frantic, or frazzled in your life then consider the following questions.

1.        Does your current pace leave you feeling parched and drained?

2.       Would the world actually cave in if you discontinued some of your activities?

3.       Are you trying to live up to your own expectations in all of your pursuits or someone else’s?

4.       If it were up to you, would you design a life that is so busy?

Learn to Relax More from Others

You may or may not be a religious person.  However it would be worth your while to consider the Hebrews practice of the Sabbath.  The Hebrews believed that the Creator included in our make up a need to rest and reflect, worship and change the pace once a week.

The famous online site  encourages you to learn to relax more.  It suggests that busy entrepreneurs take time to decompress.  It suggests that you take breaks, even if that break is only for a minute.   When it’s time to take a break try tensing your muscles and then letting them relax.  It also suggests that you take fifteen minutes each day to reflect and have downtime.


You must learn to relax more often.  You might think it’s crazy to take time from your busy schedule to do nothing but relax but it really is a necessity.  You are the only you that you have.  If you let you run down then who is going to handle your responsibilities?  You must make time to relax and replenish.  Once you begin doing this you will see a change in your productivity and your life.

If you learned anything new from this post then please leave a comment.

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