Wednesday, September 10, 2014

How Do You Define Success in Your Life

Wednesday’s Wisdom:  When determining success, look within yourself and evaluate your own goals and abilities and gauge what would be success.  Don’t worry about what others do or have.  Compete only with yourself.

Most people prefer success.  In fact, if you went to any busy street, a subway or a mall and took a survey that asked if you would rather be a success or a failure, you would get an overwhelming response of people who prefer success.  What varies is not that most would prefer to be successful.  What varies is how success is defined.

How Do You Define Success

Success is a relative term.  What is considered success by one may not be considered success at all by another.  Success could be attaining a high academic achievement, finishing college, landing a dream job, becoming financially wealthy, marrying the perfect partner or having the perfect body.  How success is determined varies from individual to individual.  For this reason it would be difficult to disagree with my next point.

When determining if you are successful, you should not look to the left or right to compare your achievements to another.  What happens far too often is people take a look at what is shown them on television or the movies and base their perception of success accordingly.  They apply these values to themselves and to others.  The problem with determining success this way is much of what is seen on television and the movies is fantasy.  Sometimes the only way to reach the level of ‘success’ that is seen on television or the movies is to go and live on television or in the movies.

Compare Yourself to Yourself

How beautiful the day would be if we only compared ourselves to ourselves.  Seeing an opportunity in each day to be better than we were the day before.  Refusing to try and fit into a mold that was made for another.  Determining to follow our own dreams.  “Imagine the stress that would be lifted from us and the anxiety that would be eliminated if the only levels of success that we reached for were made from what we ourselves determine from evaluating our own performance and what we can realistically attain.”

Don’t misunderstand.  It is important that you reach for the very best in everything that you do.  It is also important that you attribute the title of success to the very best that you can do not what someone else can do.


It is easy to eliminate the anxiety of reaching for success.  Realize that you are a unique individual with a unique set of goals.  Know what it is that you actually want from life and make it a point to pursue those goals.  Avoid comparing yourself to others at all costs.  “It is very easy to compare yourself to others and decide that you are not successful only to one day realize that you have missed the mark.  Not because you did not accomplish what they accomplished.  But because you were so busy watching others that you did not do the things that really make you happy.”

If you learned anything new from this article then please leave a comment. 

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