Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Ways to Improve Self Confidence

Are you a person who has a thing or two that they wish that they could do but are too afraid to try?  Being unsure of oneself is a condition that is more common than you might think.  The world is full of people with untapped talent that could actually contribute something worthwhile to the lot of us but they are too unsure of themselves to allow those talents to flow forth.

Hopefully, once you read this article, you can begin on the journey to self-confidence and exploring those things that you always wanted to do.

Challenge Limiting Beliefs

Begin to start overcoming your fears by determining within yourself to challenge limiting beliefs.  You can recognize limiting beliefs by noticing sentences that you constantly repeat to yourself.  Examples would be “It’s hopeless because…,” If you think something is hopeless than you won’t even try; “I’m worthless because…,” Telling yourself that you are worthless puts blinders on you that keep you from acknowledging what you are good at and where you are worthy; and “I’m blameless because…,”telling yourself only external circumstance are responsible for your outcome is the lazy way out.  You need to take some responsibility for your outcomes and make the necessary changes within yourself.

Remember Self Confidence in Early Childhood

You probably don’t remember the first years of life.  What it was like as the doctor delivered you.  How you handled asking for what you wanted the first years of your life.  I can assure you that the first years of your life you had no problem with asserting yourself.  You laughed out loud when you were happy.  Reached for what you wanted without restraint.  Cried with passion when you wanted to eat.  You did not question whether you would be accepted for your choices to cry or laugh.  You just did so as you wanted to.  This is the same way you should go after what you want today.   Now of course there are limits of the law and whether or not our choices will hurt others.  Other than that, go for it.

Be Honest With Yourself

It is very important to be honest with yourself.  Once you have determined to let go and begin to reach for what you want like you did your first years of life, honestly identify what your talents and strengths are.  Make a list of the things that you do well and a list of the things that you enjoy.  Make both lists because you might find that one or two of the things that you do well are not necessarily something that you enjoy.  The items that are identical on both lists are definitely things that you should spend more time doing.  However, if you find items on the list of things that you enjoy doing that you don’t think that you do very well, spend some time pursuing those interests anyway.  The important thing is that you are making time to do what you enjoy.  You will start to feel more self-confident as soon as you begin pursuing your interests.

Deal With Insecurity

Don’t let your insecurities hold you back.  Make note of what makes you feel awkward or ashamed of yourself.  It could be regrets, a big nose, unruly hair, etc.  Write down whatever these things are and name them.  Once you have written down what makes you feel badly, you may want to tear those pieces of paper to shreds to demonstrate a release of yourself from their negative influence.

Shake Off the Past

Don’t let past mistakes be the weight around your neck that pulls you down into the mucky waters of despair and ultimately drowns you.  Shake off any mistakes that you make.  We are all human and we all make mistakes.  The best thing to do when making a mistake is to identify the mistake, apologize for it and plan how to never repeat the same mistake.  Once this is accomplished move forward with your life. 

Expect Success

Instead of expecting that there will be problems and that things will turn out horribly, begin to expect that things will turn out successfully.  Everything that we do begins with a thought.  If we start out on a project with thoughts of failure then we have set our internal GPS to find failure.  We would then fall victim to our own self-fulfilling prophecy.

Have a Positive Attitude

Work diligently at having a more positive attitude.  Don’t give in to self-pity and avoid pitying others.  Refer to yourself, your progress and your future in a positive light. 

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

We are all unique with varying strengths and talents.  Don’t try to pattern your life after others.  Know that there will always be someone stronger, taller, prettier, faster and/or smarter than you.  Even so, there will always be someone weaker, shorter, less attractive, slower and/or not as smart as you.  This is just a fact of life and one should not spend anytime considering these things.  What’s important is that you reach your goals and dreams.

You Don’t Know Everything

Become comfortable with the fact that you don’t know everything.  Don’t let this be a determiner of what you can and cannot do.  Begin to see yourself as a learner.  If there is something that you want to do or need to do that you haven’t done because you don’t know how to do it then learn how to do it.  If someone gives you criticism, take it as an opportunity to learn to do better.  Learn from those that do better than you.  Know that you have the potential to learn and accomplish anything.

You Cannot Predict or Control the Future

Know that you cannot predict or control human behavior or anything else in your life.  There are twists and turns in life that will be outside of your control.  Even if you are a confident person bad things can happen.  Identify the bad things that happen that are outside your control and do not let those things cloud your perception of your abilities.

It’s Okay to Take Risks

Don’t be afraid to take risks.  Try doing things in a new way.  If you’ve always shunned away from relationships but want one, then begin seeking out relationships.  If you have been afraid to pursue new career goals but want to change careers, then spiffy up that resume and start submitting it.  You have to start from where you are.  Realize that it might be a little rough going at times and you will more than likely have to crawl before you walk.  Once you are up and walking, however, you will see that the uncomfortable stages that you went through were more than worth it.

Accept Praise

Know that you are praiseworthy.  It is unfortunate but true that many people don’t think that they deserve the praise that they receive.  There are times when something is done well as a result of luck.  Most of the time however, when someone praises your accomplishments it is more than earned.  Accept and believe that the praise is justly put and know that just like you did that one thing well you can do other things well.

Practice Being Self-Confident. 

It’s just like everything else.  Practice makes perfect.  When you meet someone new stand up straight and avoid mumbling.  Look them directly in the eyes and give a firm handshake.  Don’t doubt yourself in your thoughts.  If you find that you are beginning to doubt yourself imagine what a confident person would do and do the same.


You are already on the road to becoming more self-confident.  Taking the initiative to read this article shows that you will not stay down.  Read through this article again and pick two to three of the suggestions and internalize them.  When you have practiced them read this article again and internalize two to three more suggestions.  Remember that Rome was not built in a day.  Take your time.  The most important thing is that you have begun.

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If you learned anything new from this article then please leave a comment.  

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