Saturday, July 26, 2014

How to Attract Money Into Your Life

It is natural to want more money.  Even people with plenty of money would rarely turn down an opportunity to get more money.  Whether you have a lot of money or very little money you can attract money by following the same rules.  These rules are listed in the following paragraphs.

Donate Money

Change your perspective.  The natural thing to do is to hold on to what you have for dear life if you are facing lack.  The secret is “to get more you have to give freely.”  This includes if you feel that you don’t have very much.  Donate money to places that have helped to build and feed your spirit.  The basic rule of giving is to give 10% of whatever you get.  Do this on regular intervals.  Ask yourself several times a week where you are getting your spiritual nourishment from and give to that source.

Don’t give out of fear.  Having the feeling of fear will attract negative circumstances to you.  Give with open hands.  Give in love.

Free Your Mind

Many people have limiting beliefs about money.  They believe that money is hard to come by, money is the root of all evil, money changes people, etc.  If you want to attract money you have to change your beliefs about money.  You may have some of these hidden unconscious counter-intentions about money.  These negative feelings about money are roadblocks.  Find a way to clear the hidden unconscious counter-intentions in your mind that veto your conscious attempts to get money.    

Make Your Move

To visualize money is great, but rarely does more money come if you are just sitting on your laurels.  The time to act is now.  Start from where you are and begin doing the things that could bring you money.  Think about what you can do to day to begin bringing you money and act on it.

Don’t doubt yourself.  When you doubt yourself you show that your mind is not yet free.  If your mind is in bondage to negative thoughts than you can expect negative results.

Become Involved

Some people block money from coming to them because they feel that they are undeserving.  To combat these feelings, begin to raise money for a charitable cause.  Begin to want money for purposes other than for yourself.  Once you begin to aid in the collection of money for others you will begin to attract money to yourself. 

Join a Group

It is more than possible for you to reach goals by yourself.  It is easier, however, to reach goals if you have a support group.  Join or start a master mind group.  Make sure that the group is composed of like-minded people that are committed to supporting each other in the attainment of goals.

Being part of a support group furnishes you with others that can aid in keeping your enthusiasm and stamina high.

You can also get support from books, mp3s, etc.  Learning and motivational tools will help you keep your focus.  Invest in your education.  Buy motivational tapes and Cd’s.  The more you learn the more you are worth.  The more you are worth, the more money you attract to yourself.

Try Gratitude

Be thankful for the resources that you have.  This would include the money that you now have as well as your current connections, network of support, etc.  Remember that there are people in third world countries that would consider you to be truly wealthy.

Be very grateful.  When you are grateful you give off vibrations that return to you more things to be grateful for.  Start with something small that you can truly be grateful for.  To help you get into the feeling of gratitude, hold the thought of that thing and think of all the reasons that you are truly grateful for that one thing.  Another thing that you should do is start a gratitude journal.  As you go throughout your day, take note of five things that you can be grateful for and give thanks for those things as you come across them.  At the end of your day write these five things down in your journal.  If you truly want to see a change in your life then try gratitude.

Love What You Do

If you are currently working in a job that you hate, then find something about it that you can love while you are still doing it.  In the meantime, start working towards doing what you would really love to do.  Doing something that you are passionate about is one sure way to attract wealth. 

If you were to do anything at all, whether you were paid for it or not, what would you do?  Whatever you choose, find ways to do it even if you have to do it on your lunch hours.  You may have to start out doing it for free but if you follow the other steps in this article you will soon find ways to make a profit from doing it.  If you truly want to be successful then do what you love.


Expect that you will be successful.  Keep your brain alert and ready for the next big opportunity by asking yourself questions like “Which opportunity to get wealth will present itself today.”  Be fearless and take advantage of opportunities that may come your way.

(This blog post was written via facts collected from Joe Vitale at

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