Thursday, October 2, 2014

How to Find Success Faster

Consider if you have to learn a foreign language.  You might not get very far very fast if you study this language at a university.  However, if you are living in a foreign land, your significant other speaks the foreign language and you need to learn this language for a job you will find success much faster because your level of motivation would be increased.  Like it or not it is just the way “the brain works.”

If you want to master something you must understand one thing.  Learning is much easier and happens much more quickly when we are involved emotionally.  We learn better when we are motivated and there is a need to learn.

Many people make the mistake of choosing a career based on money.  If you pick a career just because you think that it would be lucrative but really are not engaged by being excited by it you are most likely going to burn out.  It would be difficult to find success.  Putting in 10 years of study to become a master of something that you are not excited about probably just won’t happen.  To find success you need to be able to make a personal commitment.

Don’t worry if you don’t know exactly what career you wish to adopt at 21 years of age.  There is a process that needs to take place.  This process may take as long as five to ten years.  For some people it has taken as long as fifteen years or longer.  One thing is for sure, if you start out in the wrong field you are not going to last long enough to master that field.

How to Know Which Subject to Master

There are different paths for everyone.  One person’s journey is not going to be identical to another’s.  Some people know from a young age what they want to be and they find success.  Others have to go through a process.  They start out in a field that they think will bring them the most money and find that they are unhappy and/or not making much progress.  They then have to regress back into what they love.  What they really want to do.

Some people reach 35 to 40 years old and don’t know what it is that they would love to do.  If this is you the reason probably is you have been giving too much attention to the opinions of others.  You really need to take the time to look at yourself.  Try to pinpoint the things that excited you when you were a child.  Take note of where you might have made a wrong turn and which are the things that you abhor.  When you go online or read the newspaper what really excites you?

It may take a few months or even as long as a year.  Nevertheless, it is worth it to “reconnect” to that inner voice that you had when you were a kid.  That voice that reacted like a magnet to certain activities.  Once you have reconnected with that inner voice you can begin to pursue goals that you will most likely attain.  Everything that you try to learn in conjunction with that inner voice will become easy and you will find success much more quickly.

(This article was written via ‘The Best Way toSucceed Faster,’ by Robert Greene)  

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