Monday, May 26, 2014

Why Start A Blogging Tribe?

One Reason to Start a Blogging Tribe

For some, writing blogs and articles can be a pretty lonely experience even with all of the available social media.   This is one reason that you might want to form a blogging tribe.  If you are blogging and article writing full time you probably spend lot of time alone while you come up with fresh new content.  Sitting in front of a computer alone for hours while sending out content into cyberspace may make you feel isolated.   A blogging tribe would alleviate some of those feelings of isolation.  It would supply plenty of people who you can email and gain suggestions from.  If you just want to chat it could supply people for that as well.

Form a Blogging Tribe and Get Comments on Your Blog

Another reason that you might want to form a blogging tribe, if you are a blogger and article writer, is to get online support.  One of the toughest challenges that a blogger faces is getting a reader to leave that first comment on a post.  Once that first comment is left it is like that is when all of the other readers that make comments are then free to leave their comment.  Well, if you start a tribe you can make commenting on each other’s post and sharing each other on Facebook part of the membership requirements.  You will then have plenty of people to send your post to that will be happy to give you that first comment on your post.  They would also be happy to share you on Facebook. 

Form a Blogging Tribe and Get Offline Support

Another reason that you might want to form a blogging tribe, is to get offline support.  As was mentioned earlier in this post, sitting alone with your computer day after day could become a lonely experience.  Many people who write for a living spend at least 40 hours a week alone in front of their computer typing up new content.  During those working hours in a “conventional” job you would normally make acquaintances that you might go to lunch with or meet for drinks after work.  As a writer you are often not afforded that luxury.  However, starting a tribe of local bloggers in your area would fix the problem.  You would then have others that you can meet with and perhaps even befriend.


How can you start a Blogging tribe?  That’s an easy question to answer.  One simple way to start is to use Facebook.  You would start a new Facebook group and tailor the requirements of joining to your needs. For example, if you are looking for online support you could stipulate that a requirement for joining is you must be willing to comment on other member's blogs.  If you are looking for both offline and online support you might want to add to your stipulation that those who join must be from a specific geographical area.  

If you learned anything new from this article then please leave a comment.  

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