Friday, August 8, 2014

Why People Don’t Buy From You

You can’t figure out why people won’t buy from you?  You have found a perfect product line to sell.  You are sure that the product line will resonate with others as well as it resonates with you.  You have done your homework on your product line and have become a bit of an expert on what you have to offer.  You have a fantastic product line but no buyers.  Why won’t people buy from you?  The answer could be in how you think.  Consider the following.

Do Great Products Sell Themselves?

You might ask yourself can a product sell itself.  Well, I am here to tell you to give up the notion that your product line is so good that it will sell itself.  No matter what you are promoting you have to sell people on buying your product.  This would even include if you are trying to get a promotion.  You would have to sell yourself to your manager.

Even though there are some people who will buy whatever you are selling because they are automatically drawn to you, this would most often not be the case.  Most people are not going to believe that your product is as good as you think it is without a little extra help from you. 

There is no getting around it.  You have to SELL people on your product. 

Your Prospects Are Unique, However…

Each one of your prospects has their own set of problems and successes.  They are indeed unique in their own way.  They are automatically going to think that their situations are unique and that you could not possibly have something that will tailor to their particular needs.  You have to convince people that what you have will not only work for other people it will also work for them as well.  Come up with examples that shows your prospect that what you have to offer also applies to them.

Are You Pushy?  Really?

You have to try more than one attempt to sell your product.  This might seem pushy to you but it’s not.  It is actually necessary.  In fact, the well-known marketing adage, The Rule of 7, states that a prospect has to see your offer at least 7 times before they buy.  
Keeping in mind The Rule of 7, don’t let the need for more than one attempt to sell confuse you into thinking that quantity of attempts alone will get your product sold.  Quality of attempts is also important.  You have to fight tooth and nail on each attempt to get your prospects attention and to direct them to buy your product.  When I say fight tooth and nail, it is not meant to say that you should badger your prospect.  It simply means that you have to use all of the marketing techniques possible that you have learned each and every time you go for the sale.


Figuring out why people won’t buy from you does not have to be very difficult. Reexamine how you think.  Do you expect your product to sell itself?  Have you taken the time to come up with examples that show that your product will fit the needs of the prospect?  Have you let go of the “I’m scared to be pushy” notion?  Change how you think and you should see changes in the amount of people that buy from you.

If you learned anything new from this article then please leave a comment.  

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