Monday, August 18, 2014

10 Ways to Increase Sales Online Significantly

Monday’s Tip of the Week:  Don’t let your sales cycle end with the first purchase that your customer makes.  Take the opportunity that that sale gives you to collect the customer’s contact information, upsell products and pass on coupons.

The following are 10 ways that show you how to increase sales online significantly.

Follow up With the Customer

One way to increase sales online is after you make your first sale, follow-up with the customer.  One way to follow-up with them is to email them a “thank you” note.  Include in the note one or two ads for other products that you offer.  Follow-up with them periodically.  One of your goals should be to build a relationship with your customer.  In order to do this you need to constantly stay in touch with them.

It Does Not Hurt to Upsell

When your customer has reached the order page they have already decided to do business with you.  You, at this point while they are whipping out their credit card, have their attention.  A way to increase sales online significantly is to take the time while their eyes are on you to tell them about related products that you offer.  While they are in the buying mode it is easier to get them to add on the additional products.

Offer Incentives

Make it worth your customer’s while to play on your side of the fence.  Offer them incentives to play on your team.  A way to increase sales online is to tell your customers that if they refer four customers, that buy, to your website that they will receive a full rebate of their purchase price.  This is one of the easiest ways to get three sales for the price of one.

Offer Affiliate Programs

A way to increase sales online is to be one of the websites that offer affiliate programs.  When a customer buys from you give them the option of joining your affiliate program so that they can earn money by selling your product.  This will multiply the sale you just made.

Sell Reproduction Rights

Sell the resell (reprint/reproduction) rights to your digital products.  Marketers are constantly looking for fresh new products to sell.  One way to increase sales online is once your customer has purchased a product from you give them the opportunity to brand the product as their own and sell it.  This would give them 100% commissions on their sales once they have purchased the rights from you.  This will also give you the additional sale of the resell rights.

Cross Promotion Marketing

Sometimes it’s better to work in teams of twos and threes.  Team up with other businesses and cross promote your products.  A way to increase sales online is to offer a package deal that has both your product along with another business’ product.  Include in the combinations ads for other products that you offer.  This way when the other business sells the package deal they will also be selling your other products.

Distribute Coupons

It is easier to sell to customers who have already purchased from you.  A way to increase sales online is when you deliver your product to your customer include in the package a coupon for other related products that you sell.  This will expose them to your other products and invite them to buy.

Send Catalogs

One way to increase sales online is to develop a mailing list of your customers and send them a catalog of products that compliment the original product that they purchased.  Add-on products could include upgrades, attachments, etc.  If the customer enjoys your product they will be very likely to purchase the extra add-ons.

Sell Gift Certificates

A way to increase sales online is to offer the opportunity to buy gift certificates for your products.  Not only will you make a sale from the purchase of the gift certificate, the customer may also buy other products from your website.

Give freebies

Don’t be afraid to give freebies.  Increase sales online by including free products with your customer’s order.  Make sure that the freebies has your ad printed on them with a clear way to order products from you.


The list in this article is not all inclusive, but it is a start.  These are easy yet powerful strategies that you can begin to implement immediately.  Using these strategies can increase your sales rate substantially.  Use these strategies as well as others that make your customer feel special.  Enjoy selling.  To your success!

If you learned anything new from this article then please leave a comment.  

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