Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What’s In a Domain Name

The Domain name that you choose can easily make or break your website or blog.  It is the first impression of your online presence.  It is what your site/blog visitors will see prior to anything that your site/blog has to offer.  So you want to thoughtfully choose your domain name. 

The following tips are posted to help you develop a domain name that will not only represent you and/or your business well but will be easy for online visitors to use.

Don’t Choose a Domain Name That is too Long

When choosing a domain name, don’t choose a domain name that is more than three words long.  Domain names that are longer than three words are harder for people to remember.   Shorter domain names are also easier to fit onto business cards and advertisements.

Choose Domain Names That Are .Com.

These days, there are all types of extensions that you can put at the end of your domain name.  There is .net, .biz, .org, .tv, .pro, .me., .cc., .gov, and .info.  Even though there is a variety of extensions offered to you it is best to choose a .com.  Why?  It is best to choose a .com because most people are conditioned to using .com.  Using an extension other than .com makes life difficult for your targeted traffic.  So keep it less problematic for those who want to find your site and use a .com domain name.  Keep in mind however, that once you buy the .com it might be to your benefit to add the .net and .org, etc. extensions to your collection to keep your competition from buying them.

Choose a Domain Name That is Easy To Spell

How often do you think your targeted market will visit your site if they have a difficult time spelling your domain name.   Don’t choose a domain name that requires your targeted traffic to use a spell checker in order to get it right.  Use words that are easy to spell.  Steer away from domain names that have an  “ie” or “ei” because they are among the words that are most often misspelled.  Consider buying additional domain names that are the misspelling of your chosen domain name.

Don’t Choose a Domain Name That Sounds Like another Business Name or Domain

Don’t pick a name that sounds like another business’ name.  Nothing is worse than your phone ringing off the hook or you receiving thousands of hits on your website because everyone thinks you are some other business.  Choose a domain name that is unique.

Choose a Domain Name That Fulfills Expectations

The domain name that you choose should give a good idea of the type of content that you will find on the site.  Unlike domain names like and names like Careerbuilder and lets the site visitor know the type of information they will find on the site.  Domain names that give an idea of site content require a lot less branding than domain names that leave the web visitor clueless.

Don’t Choose a Domain Name That Has a Hyphen or a Number

Choosing a domain name that has a hyphen or a number is a big mistake.  It is difficult to express these types of domain names to others.  The site visitor has to guess whether the number is spelled out or not and if a hyphen should be used. 


Choosing the right domain name is one of the most important steps in designing your website/blog.  Careful consideration must be given to its composition and the impression it will make.  If you already have a domain name but now realize after reading this post that you will like to change it you can do so without losing any SEO.  If you are technically savvy you could type into the search engines “change domain name” and find sites like that walk you through the process.  If you find that you are not able to make the change by yourself then I recommend hiring one of the online freelancers at  I contacted them myself and was told that there are plenty of freelancers at Odesk that can help with Domain name changes that keep the current SEO intact. 

If you learned anything new from this article then please leave a comment.  

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