Monday, June 2, 2014

How to Have a Blogging Mindset

It all starts with the mind.  Every action that you do begins with a thought.  This would include blogging.  Therefore, if you want to be a successful blogger you must have a blogging mindset.

Realize That It Sometimes Takes Hours of Commitment to Write a Successful Blog

A blogging mindset realizes that, at times, it takes hours of commitment to write a successful blog.  This is not just in the beginning when you first start out but also after you have reached some blogging success.  Once you have gained some traction as a blogger there will be times when you will still need to be willing to commit many dedicated hours to your blog in order to continue to captivate site visitors and compel them to return.

Begin to See the World Differently

You have to begin to see the world differently.  Prior to blogging your view of the world included your family, friends, and perhaps coworkers.  Now as a blogger you have another perspective that you have to consider, you have your target audience.  

You have to be willing to become a content creating machine; a machine that creates content that your new target audience will consider to be valuable.  As a content creating machine, every new experience that you encounter in your niche should be viewed as a story to share or a lesson to teach.  If you are searching the web and you come across something new in your niche then write about it.  If you take a new course and it relates to your niche then write about it.  Nothing in your niche becomes immune.  Everything in your niche is a topic to be explored and written about in your blog.

Give Back To the Community

A blogging mindset requires that you give back to the community  You have to decide, when you sit down to write your blog posts that you are writing for the benefit of your target audience.  This includes knowing what their problems are, researching the solutions, and presenting the answers in a way that will inform, interest, and compel your site visitors.  You have to determine from the time you begin writing your post that your readers will get what they came to your site for.

Have the Mindset of Successful People

A blogging mindset incorporates the mindset of successful people.  Successful people have a growth mindset.  The opposite is someone who has a fixed mindset.  People with a fixed mindset think that they are born with a certain amount of talent and intelligence and that’s the end of it.  People with a growth mindset know that their talents and abilities can grow with practice and perseverance.  So invest in your blogging if you can.  Invest in courses that will help you be a better writer and consequently a better blogger.  Grow your blogging muscles and increase your talents. 


In conclusion I will reiterate that writing a successful blog starts with a blogging mindset.  Know the required dedication and be willing to commit.  Begin to see the world through the eyes of a storyteller and a teacher.  Be willing to give value back through the expertise that you have developed.  Have a mindset that is willing to learn, grow, and share.

If you learned anything new from this article then please leave a comment.  

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