Monday, September 15, 2014

Past Failures Don’t Determine Your Future Financial Enterprise

Monday’s Tip of the Week:  You may have made poor financial decisions in the past, but that’s just it.  They are in the past.  Use every current and upcoming opportunity to turn your financial portfolio into a success.  Don’t live in the past.  Believe me there is promise for your future.

Feeling old, broke and battered?  Imagine having no savings, having bad credit and not having any significant assets at age 60.  To top it off, imagine feeling like your body is starting to fall apart.  This is a typical scenario for many people.  Is there still a chance to build a strong future financial enterprise with such a life?  The answer is indubitably yes.

Most financial and health problems can be solved.  I know that you believed this a little more readily when you were younger.  Now that you are older you are probably not as optimistic.  Your aches and pains and what seems like endless debt probably seems terminal.

To think that your current health and financial difficulties are terminal is to give into the illusion.  Your financial problems can be fixed if you tackle them one by one.  You can even acquire wealth.  You can actually acquire wealth and become wealthy in less than seven years even if you are starting at age 60. 

Being sixty is not what it used to be.  It is easier for older people than it used to be.  To be sixty years old now is being the new 40!

It’s Amazing What Can Be Accomplished

To think that you can start with nothing at age 60 and acquire wealth is not a pipe dream consider the following:

·         At age 65 Colonel Sanders started Kentucky Fried Chicken
·         At age 65 Laura Ingalls Wilde began writing the Little House on the Prairie series.
·         At age 52, Ray Kroc opened a hamburger stand that eventually became McDonalds.
·         At age 60 Henry Ford created the first assembly line to build a car.
·         At age 70, Golda Meir became the first women prime minister of Israel.

People who reach age sixty can easily expect an additional 18.8 years.  Females can expect an additional 20 years and males can expect an additional 17.3 years.

You Can “Save” Your Financial Future

The first thing that you need to do to acquire wealth is to stop reading the material out there that predicts the doom of our economy.  Sure our world economy is burdened with debt.  This is debt that will be paid.  However, you won’t become one cent richer by worrying about it.

The second thing that you need to do to acquire wealth is to believe.  It is absolutely possible, even probable, to get rid of debt and acquire wealth in a seven year time period if you do the right things.

If you are young seven years seems like forever.  But those of us who are older know that seven years passes by rather quickly.  That is why you should start now to start turning your finances around because before you know it those seven years will have passed.

The third thing to do in order to acquire wealth is to take responsibility.  You must come to terms with the fact that you are responsible for your current financial mess.  Sure you may have been lied to and misled, even preyed upon.  There is also no doubt that the government has gotten its share from you.

The reasons that you are in your current financial mess are neither here nor there.  You have to realize that the buck stops with you.  You are the one that can turn your financial condition around.  You have to make the commitment to making the necessary changes.  Changes that are going to push you into financial success.  Changes like living beneath your means so that you can save and invest more.  Considering ways to make extra income to stash away.


If you are 60 years old or older don’t look at your age as a problem, see it as an opportunity.  You are much older and wiser now and can use that wisdom to make good choices.  The choices that you made when you were younger are far behind you now and you are ready to make changes.  Take advantage of every opportunity to turn your life around.  You have many years ahead of you so enjoy!

If you learned anything new from this article then please leave a comment. 

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